
Sometimes there is this idealisation of people in the publiceye and there's this kind of false idealise, kind of, vision, like falseperfection I think is projected from people in that position and I think sometimes it can create a little bit of dissatisfaction with our own. 

But we are all stars, Steven. Well to speak in Neil deGrasse Tyson we are all made of stardust, are we not?

But I think there is something about this projection of perfection. Whether it's in terms of beauty, etc. But I am lots of things, we all are, you know, like the light in the dark.

So I think what I am saying is sometimes there is a tendency of this idea of perfection, which I think doesn't allow us, doesn't give us permission to accept our whole selves in our entirety, our own beingness. I think it kind of create this not-enoughness in the culture, where you're constantly looking up on things that aren't actually real but pretending to be real, and more perfect than you.


題外話,加菲!一口一個Steven真的好嗎?還叫的那麽甜!Game of giddiness and freedom 兩人之間的距離簡直了!加菲你那姿勢真的很像在索吻你知道嗎?那性張力讓我全程無聲地呐喊!!!在“啊啊啊啊不要親”和“嗷嗷嗷嗷嗷嗷啊怎麽還不親”之間無限糾結好嗎?!(凌晨時分,此人以瘋 QAQ)

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